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    Home > News > Industry News > The new production model for sports wear

    The new production model for sports wear

    2016-10-12 10:16:47
    With robots instead of labor, it sounds like a very historical sense of the topic. Maybe many people will agree that this era will come, but it should not realize that it has been so close to us. Last February, the Boston Consulting Group released a report predicting that by the end of 2025, the annual growth rate of industrial robot investment in the world's 25 largest exporting countries will accelerate from 2% -3% to 10%, and labor costs will be reduced by 16% / RTI & gt;

    Harold L. Sirkin, a senior partner at the firm, says that as global labor costs go up, it is increasingly critical for manufacturers to take steps to increase per capita output to remain competitive. The report also pointed out that in 2014 the global sales of industrial robots increased by 23%, and by 2018 when it will double, which will bring great changes in the manufacturing sector.

    According to a US study shows that the next decade, with the cost of more and more cheap robots, not only competent for more types of work, but also effective control of wage increases, US manufacturers will inevitably use the ratio of the robot. Moreover, from a macro point of view, this is the inevitable trend of the development of productive forces, to reduce the international brands of global factories have not been cheap labor and continuous migration practices. The Financial Times has similarly reported that a growing number of jobs, including automation and electronics, will be replaced by robots, particularly in the large labor export markets of East and South-East Asia. Of course, the garment manufacturing industry is one of the typical industry.

    Recently, there is news that well-known manufacturer of electronic products Foxconn has been installed in China's major production base of 40,000 robots, which is seen as the company vigorously promote the production of robotic signals. Most of China's manufacturing industry is still labor-intensive stage, need to pay a lot of manpower costs, of which electronic products and shoes and apparel industry is the most prominent.

    Today's market environment in the high-speed changes in the iteration cycle of many goods shortened, and many competitors with the category, companies have to channel sales, brand promotion and even storage and transportation to pay more costs, therefore, reduce the production stage Capital investment has become a very natural approach. With robots instead of labor on the one hand can reduce labor costs, more importantly, can cancel the production and operation costs. To Foxconn, for example, the promotion of robot production line makes the demand for artificial reduction, only in Kunshan factory, the company plans to lay off 60,000 employees. Robot "posts" had quietly come to our eyes. In this case,

    East and Southeast Asia is also the center of the world's production of shoes and clothes, before China is the main force, and now more concentrated in Southeast Asia. But the field is also suffering from "robot invasion", although only the release of part of the signal.

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