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    Dom > Aktualności > Wiadomości firmowe > Why Janpanese like to wear a uniform?

    Why Janpanese like to wear a uniform?

    2017-03-17 17:02:19
    In Japan, what type of work, regardless of class have to wear uniforms, big summer, men still want to wear a suit to work, of course, the woman is better, after all, women dress to wear.

    In Japan in uniform is the same and let's go to school to wear uniforms, can arouse the collective spirit, played down the individual character, in order to avoid let you show off, and to be honest, as the same as the national personality Japan, frowsty coquettish, because there are too many repressed at ordinary times.
    On the other hand, people prefer to wear the uniform of the opposite sex. Small make up feel this hobby, not just in the kingdom of neon, all countries in the world is so, we prefer a flight attendant, preference for OL outfit, a preference for students, prefer nurse outfit... The more so the more, the more the more like it.

    In ancient Japan, those officials are of different levels in different uniform, in the modern, each industry has its own industry's uniform, wear, means you are a member of the organization, according to the rules in this organization.

    After the second world war, Japan is influenced by western trend, more and more towards liberalization, began to previously the sort of old school reform, school uniforms, men wearing old, children dressed in show low, "instead of" wave a hand to the school, so many schools in the western school uniforms.

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